Chicken Kyiv

This is a great way to cook a chicken breast, keeping it moist whilst flavouring the meat.

You will need:
2 chicken breasts
2 eggs
100g plain flour
100g breadcrumbs
Garlic butter:
150g unsalted butter, room temperature
3 tablespoons of chopped chives
1 tablespoon of finely chopped mint leaves
1 teaspoon of white miso paste (optional)
Zest of 1 lemon
Crushed potatoes:
250g new potatoes
100g of fresh or frozen peas
2 handfuls of chopped watercress
60g unsalted butter

Serves 2

Make the garlic butter
Wrap the garlic bulb in foil and scrunch together at the top to keep the moisture from escaping
Let it roast in a preheated oven on one-hundred-and-eighty degrees for 40 minutes
Once it’s done and has had time to cool, get the butter, herbs and lemon ready
Remove the flesh from the roasted garlic clove and add to the butter
Mash with a fork, add freshly ground black pepper
Roll it up in baking paper ad leave to set in the fridge

For the chicken breast:
Make an incision opposite the tenderloin, just large enough for the rod of butter to sit halfway inside
Widen or deepen the incision if you have to, then fold the tenderloin tightly over the top, and close the gap
Paneer the chicken in flour, then egg followed by breadcrumb
Repeat the egg and breadcrumb
Fry the top in a medium pan until rich and golden brown
Bake for 20-25 minutes at 200C

For the accomapniment:
Just halve the potatoes into a pan of water with a generous pinch of salt, then boil until you can easily push a fork through one of them
Pour in the peas and boil for a further two minutes
Add chopped watercress, then immediately remove from the heat and strain the contents of the pan
Mash very loosely and add a decent amount of butter
Season to taste with more salt and pepper
Spoon on a plate and serve with the Kiew